showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Flintstones: Yabba Dabba Doo  Bug-Byte;Quicksilva (Grandslam)1986 cartoon cavemen hannabarbera lives prehistoric-theme progressleft score theflintstones labelimageminimize
The Flintstones  Grandslam (Teque)1988 bowling cartoon cavemen hannabarbera prehistoric-theme score theflintstones labelimageminimize
Renegade III: The Final Chapter Imagine1989 did lives prehistoric-theme rescue score timelimit timetravel labelimageminimize
Time Machine Activision (Vivid Image)1990 prehistoric-theme timetravel labelimageminimize
Cavemania Atlantis Software1991 dinosaurs platformer prehistoric-theme score labelimageminimize
Prehistorik Titus1991 3disk acrossages bludgeons cavemen claiming deathpits dinosaurs harmfultouch ladders lives meleeweapons prehistoric-theme score secrets-falling timelimit labelimagesubject
Prehistorik II  Titus1993 bludgeons cavemen deathpits dinosaurs lives meleeweapons movingplatforms prehistoric-theme savepassword labelimageminimize